Your profile Tech giants

Global technology leaders with a strong focus on R&D and innovation. They possess vast resources for funding ambitious research projects, building large-scale quantum computers, and developing software tools.

Your goals Goals

  • Thought Leadership: To establish yourself as a recognized leader in the field of next-generation computing, specifically in quantum computing research and development.

  • Talent Acquisition: To attract the brightest minds in quantum computing and related fields to fuel their ongoing research and development efforts.

  • Strategic Partnerships: To forge strategic partnerships with other tech giants, startups, and research institutions to accelerate innovation, share resources, and potentially co-develop next-generation computing solutions.

  • Market Shaping: To position yourself as a leader in shaping the future of next-generation computing by influencing industry standards and technical roadmaps.

Your challenges Your challenges

  • Competitive Landscape: The field of quantum computing is highly competitive. IBM Quantum faces stiff competition from other tech giants, established research institutions, and innovative startups.

  • Securing Resources: Continued research and development in quantum computing requires significant resources. Demonstrating the value proposition of their work is crucial to secure internal funding and potentially attract external investment.

  • Talent Acquisition: Finding qualified researchers and engineers with expertise in quantum computing is a major challenge. Competing aggressively to attract the best talent in a limited pool is necessary.

  • Rapid Evolution: The field of quantum computing is rapidly evolving. Staying ahead of the curve by continuously innovating and adapting to new advancements is essential.

Your motivations Motivations

  • Maintain your position as a leader in cutting-edge technology.

  • Accelerate the development of practical quantum computing applications.

  • Attract and retain top talent within the field.

  • Secure resources and funding to support ongoing research efforts.

  • Shape the future of next-generation computing and its applications.

Your reasons to attend NGC Summit


Collaborate with Chipmakers

Work with chipmakers to manufacture cutting-edge hardware like quantum processing units (QPUs).


Source from Material Science Companies

Novel materials for high-performance hardware (superconducting circuits, spintronics) will be attending NGC Summit.


Partner with Quantum Software Developers

Stay at the forefront of scientific advancements and gaOptimize user experience and algorithm performance for next-generation hardware and seek partnerships with quantum software developers. ning access to groundbreaking discoveries.


Engage with Research Institutions

To stay ahead of the curve and gain access to groundbreaking discoveries, connect with research institutions at the summit.


Explore Collaboration Opportunities

Identify potential partners for co-development projects, joint research initiatives, or strategic alliances.


Showcase Breakthroughs & Network

The NGC Summit provides a global platform to present IBM's latest research to a distinguished audience of industry experts and potential collaborators.


Attract Top Talent

Meet and recruit brilliant minds from around the world who are passionate about quantum computing.


Stay Informed & Influence

Discover emerging trends, new advancements, and potential challenges in the field through keynote addresses, panel discussions and networking sessions. Participate in workshops and discussions allows you to shape the industry landscape.