Your profile Research

Research institutions and universities at the forefront of material science research, developing innovative materials like superconductors needed for specific quantum computing architectures.

Your goals Goals

  • Technological Breakthroughs: Become a leader in the development of advanced materials for next-generation computing hardware.

  • Market Disruption: Disrupt the existing material science landscape by introducing revolutionary materials that redefine possibilities in computing.

  • Strategic Partnerships: Forge partnerships with chipmakers, research institutions, and established technology companies to accelerate product development and market adoption.

  • Industry Recognition: Gain recognition as a key player in the next-generation computing ecosystem, attracting top talent and potential investors.

Your challenges Your challenges

  • Technical Hurdles: Developing and scaling up production of novel materials with specific properties for next-generation computing applications requires overcoming significant technical challenges.

  • Market Uncertainty: The next-generation computing market is still evolving, and specific material needs may not be fully established.

  • Competition: Competing with established material science companies and research institutions for funding, talent, and market share.

  • Integration Challenges: Ensuring seamless integration of their novel materials with existing hardware architectures can be complex.

Your motivations Motivations

  • Be at the forefront of innovation in material science for next-generation computing.

  • Disrupt the market with revolutionary materials that unlock new computing capabilities.

  • Establish strategic partnerships to accelerate product development and market reach.

  • Gain industry recognition and attract top talent and investment to fuel future growth.

Your reasons to attend NGC Summit


Partner with Tech Giants & Chipmakers

The summit fosters collaboration, allowing you to connect with industry leaders and present their work. This can lead to partnerships with tech giants and chipmakers who can provide funding, technical expertise and access to fabrication facilities, accelerating the development and commercialization of your materials.


Gain Market Validation, Insight & Feedback

Connect with industry leaders allow you to gain valuable insights into specific material needs and market demands. This feedback helps you refine your research focus and ensure your materials address the most pressing challenges in the next-generation computing industry.


Bring together Research & Development

Collaborate with tech giants and chipmakers can lead to joint research and development projects, leveraging the combined expertise of academia and industry to achieve faster breakthroughs.


Meet with Researchers & Investors

The NGC Summit attracts a diverse audience of researchers from other institutions and potential investors. You can network with colleagues, share knowledge, and explore potential collaborations on complementary research projects. Investors attending the summit are interested in groundbreaking technologies and may be potential sources of funding for promising material science research.


Engage with Software Developers

While chipmakers are your primary target, collaborating with software developers can also be beneficial. As a researcher you can ensure your materials are compatible with existing software tools and enable developers to create optimized code that leverages the unique properties of your materials.


Showcase your cutting-edge research

Showcase your research on next-generation computing materials to a global audience of industry leaders, potential partners and investors.