Your profile Software developers

Software developers creating specialized software tools and programming languages designed to interact with and utilize the capabilities of next-generation computers.

Your goals Goals

  • Market Leadership: To become a leading provider of software tools that empower users to develop and run quantum algorithms effectively.

  • Ecosystem Development: Contribute to building a robust software ecosystem for next-generation computing by creating user-friendly and accessible tools.

  • Hardware Compatibility: Ensure your software tools seamlessly integrate and optimize performance on diverse next-generation computing hardware platforms (e.g., various QPU architectures).

  • Community Building: Foster a vibrant developer community around your software, promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing within the field.

Your challenges Challenges

  • Technical Hurdles: Developing and scaling up production of novel materials with specific properties for next-generation computing applications requires overcoming significant technical challenges.

  • Market Uncertainty: The next-generation computing market is still evolving, and specific material needs may not be fully established.

  • Competition: Competing with established material science companies and research institutions for funding, talent, and market share.

  • Integration Challenges: Ensuring seamless integration of their novel materials with existing hardware architectures can be complex.

Your motivations Motivations

  • Be at the forefront of software development for next-generation computing.

  • Empower researchers and developers to unlock the full potential of quantum computing and other next-generation hardware.

  • Contribute to building a thriving software ecosystem for this transformative technology.

  • Secure a strong market position and achieve sustainable growth within the field.

Your reasons to Attend NGC Summit


Network with Tech Giants & Chipmakers

Gain insights into hardware needs, shape future dev tools, explore career opportunities.


Connect with Material Science Companies

Optimize code for novel materials, identify software bottlenecks, unlock performance improvements.


Learn from Leading Researchers

Stay ahead of the curve, gain inspiration, translate advancements into software solutions.


Collaborate with Fellow Developers

Share knowledge, build a network, foster collaborations on new projects.


Access Cutting-Edge Tools & Technologies

Explore new dev kits, identify emerging technologies, enhance development workflow.


Shape the Future of Software Development

Be at the forefront of innovation, contribute to defining the future of software for next-generation computing.