Your profile Chipmakers

Leading hardware manufacturers with expertise in developing specialized processors and powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) for complex computational tasks.

Your goals Goals

  • Market Leadership: To establish yourself as the leading provider of QPUs in the next-generation computing market.

  • Product Adoption: To drive widespread adoption of your new QPU among researchers, developers, and potential cloud service providers.

  • Strategic Partnerships: To forge partnerships with software developers and research institutions to ensure compatibility and facilitate the development of a robust ecosystem for their QPU technology.

  • Future-Proofing: To stay ahead of the curve by continuously innovating and developing next-generation QPU technology.

Your challenges Your challenges

  • Emerging Market: The quantum computing market is still nascent, and user adoption is limited.

  • Competition: Other chipmakers are also developing their own QPU technologies, creating a competitive landscape.

  • Software Compatibility: Ensuring seamless integration with existing and future quantum software tools is crucial for widespread adoption.

  • Rapid Evolution: The field of quantum computing is rapidly evolving, requiring continuous innovation in QPU design and architecture.

Your motivations Motivations

  • Be the first-mover in the commercialization of QPU technology.

  • Capture a significant market share in the growing next-generation computing market.

  • Establish your QPU as the industry standard for running complex quantum algorithms.

  • Secure long-term revenue streams through QPU sales and potential licensing agreements.

You reasons to attend NGC Summit


Secure Contracts with Tech Giants

Solidify partnerships with tech giants who can provide large-scale production opportunities for their next-generation computing hardware.


Collaborate with Material Science Companies

Prioritize collaborating with material science companies to develop and source novel materials that enable the creation of high-performance quantum processing units (QPUs) and other next-generation hardware.


Recruit Top Talent

The NGC Summit offers you a unique platform to attract and recruit talented engineers specializing in quantum computing hardware design and fabrication.


Network with Software Developers & Researchers

You can leverage the summit to network with software developers and researchers to gain insights into future software needs and hardware requirements, fostering a collaborative ecosystem for next-generation computing.


Product Launch & Networking

The NGC Summit offers a platform to showcase your new QPU to a global audience of researchers, developers, and potential customers. Build relationships with key players in the next-generation computing space.


Secure Cloud Partnerships

Identify and connect with leading cloud service providers to explore co-offering their QPU as a cloud service.